Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Quiz #1 Study Guide

Quiz #1
Friday, September 19

Below are 9 images from which I will select the five slide identifications:

 The Bayeux Tapestry
Normandy, France
c. 1086

Herrad of Landsberg
Hortus Deliciarum
After 1170

German Psalter from Augsburg
c. 1200

 Catherine of Bologna
Virgin and the Christ Child
c. 1440s

Sofonisba Anguissola

Portrait of a Young Woman (Laura)

Lavinia Fontana
Consecration to the Virgin

Artemisia Gentileschi
Susanna and the Elders

Levina Teerlinc
Princess Elizabeth I
c. 1550s

Below are three questions from which I will choose the one essay question:
  1. Define the Male Gaze, and explain how it was depicted in the work of many male artists of the Renaissance.  Name one female artist you have studied and describe something she did in order to avoid the Male Gaze in her work.
  2. What were some of the factors in Renaissance Bologna that contributed to more liberal opportunities for Bolognese women than those in Florence.  Name one female artist from Bologna and describe how her work demonstrates these greater freedoms.
  3. There was a fundamental shift in the gender roles of women from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance.  What changes occurred and what were the factors that contributed to this shift?  What obstacles did these changes create for women artists?

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