Monday, August 18, 2014

Course Syllabus

Click below for the full text of the course syllabus:

ART 340 – Women in Visual Arts – 3 Semester Hours
Fall 2014
MWF 1:00-1:50 PM, Campbell Hall 210
Bethel University
Instructor:  Jason Cole
Office Hours:
MWF: 9:30-11am;  TR: 8-9am, 11am-12pm, 1-3pm.
Office Location: DFAB 113
Office Phone: 731.352.4082

Course Prerequisites/Co Requisites:

Course Description:
Women in Visual Arts explores the history and development of the visual arts with an emphasis on the contributions of often overlooked female artists.

Course Goals:
This interdisciplinary course focuses specifically on women, in their roles as makers of art and patrons of art as well as the subjects of art. Geographically, the course will deal primarily with European and American culture; chronologically, we will examine women’s artistic activity from the Middle Ages to the present. The concepts of patriarchy and ideology as they influence art production in a given society will background investigations of women’s own activities as creators and patrons of art. We will examine works of art and architecture and visual culture images, along with complementary literary and theoretical writings.

Relationship of this Course to Content Area Knowledge and Skills:
This course is not used to address TN Matrix knowledge and skills.

Chadwick, Whitney. Women, Art, and Society. 5th ed. New York, NY: Thames and Hudson, 2012.

Course Objectives:
The student will:
a)     Gain an understanding of the contributions of women to art history not usually discussed in traditional western art history survey courses.
b)     Learn the historical and aesthetic importance of various art styles, eras, and genres and how women participated in them.
c)     Gain an understanding of the history of visual representations of women throughout western history and how these representations have driven much of women’s art.
d)     Develop and utilize writing and study skills and processes.
e)     Develop and enhance his/her proficiency in the vocabulary of the artist.
f)      Actively engage in constructive critique and discussion.

Units of Study:
Unit 1     Medieval & Renaissance Eras
Unit 2     The 18th and 19th Centuries
Unit 3     The Modern Era
Unit 4     The Postmodern Era

Required Reading/Viewing:
Various articles and videos posted onto the class blog by the instructor throughout the semester

Suggested Reading/Viewing:
Various articles, handouts, and websites that will be given by the instructor throughout the semester.

Methods Of Instruction:
Lecture, discussion, outside reading, quizzes, and exams.

Course Requirements:
1)     Read the assigned chapters for each week.  Quizzes and exams will cover material from the text that may not be discussed during in-class lectures, so it is important that you read the material that is assigned to you each week.  A schedule of required reading can be found in the class schedule.
2)     Read/watch any assigned articles or videos on the blog for the week.  In-class discussions will cover material included on the blog.
3)     There will be four two-page essays assigned over the course of the semester.  These do not require a large amount of research and are meant as a means of expressing your own ideas, opinions, revelations, confusions, etc.  You may site the book and lectures, but there must be at least one outside source.  The due-dates for these essays are listed in the course schedule.
4)     Participation in designated “Friday Discussion” days is required.  Come prepared to discuss your own opinions and feelings about the most recent material covered in class.  Failure to participate in discussions will be noted in the gradebook.
5)     There will be two small-scale written quizzes over the course of the semester.  The format of these quizzes will be discussed in class. The dates for these quizzes are listed in the course schedule.
6)     There will be a written mid-term and final exam.  The dates for these exams are listed below.

Attendance Policy:
o    There are no excused absences.  If you miss NINE classes you will immediately fail the course.  There will be no exceptions.  The reasons behind the absences are not important.  Nine absences means too much information and work has been missed for anyone to legitimately pass the course.
o    If you are unable to take a quiz or the midterm exam on the scheduled date because of an approved scheduled university extracurricular activity, speak with me BEFORE that date arrives so we can work out an alternative time for you to be tested.  DO NOT WAIT UNTIL AFTER THE QUIZ OR EXAM HAS TAKEN PLACE TO APPROACH ME!
o    If you are having trouble with the course or have problems outside the class that are affecting your performance please talk to me about it so that we can work out a solution.  Do not wait until it is too late.  I will be glad to help you in any way I can.
o    Lateness is not acceptable.  This class will begin promptly at 1:00 PM each day.  It is disruptive and frankly disrespectful not only to me but to your fellow students to enter the classroom in the middle of a lecture or discussion.  Three late arrivals to class will count as an absence.
o    All students will remain in the room for the entire class period.  The class runs from 1:00 to 1:50 pm.  If you must momentarily leave the classroom for reasons beyond your control, do so as quietly and unobtrusively as possible.  Do your best to be just as unobtrusive when re-entering the room.  Since this is a lecture course, speaking during class must be limited to questions that are directed toward the instructor and topic-specific in-class discussions.  Excessive talking during lectures, walking around, or leaving the room will be noted in my grade book and counted against your final grade.
o    If you miss any information because of lateness or absence get it from another student first. If you then have questions come and see me.

Methods of Assessment/Evaluation/Grading System:
Final grades reflect accomplishment in three areas:
o    Class performance/participation in discussions/preparedness/attitude (30%)
o    Quizzes (25%)
o    Midterm & Final Exams (30%)
o    Research Essays (15%)
Final grades will be determined by:
o    Consistency of effort and preparedness in class.
o    Participation in all class discussions.
o    Development of skills in seeing and thinking.
o    Thoughtful writing that relates to the concepts explored in the course.
o    Performance on quizzes and exams.
o    General attitude.
There will be opportunities for extra credit assignments which will be given and explained as the semester progresses.

Clinical/Laboratory/Field Experiences:

Critical Thinking Statement:
Critical thinking is the art of analyzing and evaluating thinking with a view to improving it.  In this class we will raise vital questions and problems, formulate them clearly and precisely; gather and assess relevant information, by using abstract ideas to interpret it effectively.

General Requirements:
o    You are required to bring a notebook for writing down lecture notes.  Make a habit of carrying it with you every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and DON’T LOSE IT.  If you choose to utilize your laptop for taking notes see the “prohibitions” listed below.
o    All students are expected to participate during class discussions.  Failing to engage in discussions will be noted in the gradebook and counted against the “class performance” percentage of your grade.
o    Prohibited from my classroom: Cell phones (you may have it pocketed, but silence it and DO NOT ANSWER IT), any device with headphones, any food with a noisy wrapper (i.e. individually wrapped candies, potato chip bags, etc.), tobacco OF ANY KIND, drugs or alcohol, the use of your laptop for anything other than taking notes (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Google, Google+. Foursquare, Youtube, Blip, Metacafe, Vimeo, Tumblr, Flickr, Skype, Vine, Cracked, iTunes, Amazon, Ebay, Craigslist, Wikipedia, Wordpress, Linkedin, Yahoo, Bing, Etxy, IMDB, Solitaire, Angry Birds, Second Life, TMZ, Netflix, College Humor, Crackle, Tetris, Poker, working on assignments for other classes, e-mail, paying bills,  etc. etc. etc.).  All of these things are distractions both for you and those around you.  Be respectful and leave all of these at home.  Anyone found with any of these will first be asked to put the offending item away.  Upon a second offense, the student will LEAVE THE CLASSROOM AND BE COUNTED ABSENT FOR THAT DAY.

Class Schedule                                                                                                 _________________________________________________________

Week 1 (Aug 18-22)
Discussion of course organization & requirements

Week 2 (Aug 25-29)
The Middle Ages
Friday Discussion


Week 3 (Sept 3-5)
The Renaissance Ideal

Week 4 (Sept 8-12)
The Other Renaissance
ESSAY #1 (Monday, Sept 8)
Friday Discussion

Week 5 (Sept 15-19)
Domestic Genres and Women Painters in Northern Europe
QUIZ #1 (Friday, September 19)

Week 6 (Sept 22-26)
Amateurs and Academics: A New Ideology of Femininity in France and England
Friday Discussion

Week 7 (Sept 29-Oct 3)
Sex, Class, and Power in Victorian England
Toward Utopia: Moral Reform and American Art in the 19th Century
ESSAY #2 (Monday, September 29)

Week 8 (Oct 6-8)
MIDTERM EXAM (Friday, October 8)
Separate but Unequal: Woman’s Sphere and the New Art


Week 9 (Oct 13-17)
Separate but Unequal: Woman’s Sphere and the New Art
Modernism, Abstraction, and the New Woman

Week 10 (Oct 20-24)
Modernist Representation: The Female Body
Friday Discussion

Week 11 (Oct 27-31)
Gender, Race, and Modernism after the Second World War
Feminism in North America and Great Britain
ESSAY #3 (Monday, October 27)

Week 12 (Nov 3-7)
New Directions: A Partial Overview
QUIZ # 2 (Friday, November 7)

Week 13 (Nov 10-14)
Worlds Together, Worlds Apart
Friday Discussion

Week 14 (Nov 17-21)
A Place to Grow: Personal Visions, Global Concerns
Friday Discussion

Week 15 (Nov 24-26)
The Enduring Legacy of Feminism
ESSAY #4 (Monday, November 24)

FINAL EXAM, Thursday, Dec 4, 9:00-11:00 AM

Month And Year Of Syllabus Revision:
August 2014

Bethel University is committed to equal opportunity in education for all students, including those with documented disabilities. If you have a diagnosed disability or if you believe that you have a disability that might require reasonable accommodation in this course, please contact Jean Little 4059. Bethel University policy states that it is the responsibility of students to contact instructors to discuss appropriate accommodations to ensure equity in grading, experiences and assignments.

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